Horrible, hideous creatures inhabiting the small end of the galaxy Internets, in what is known as "MySpace." Their only allegiance is to the Grand Imperial (sic) "Tom," and they defend his name well. They mostly battle by taking pictures of themselves in mirrors (to blind their enemies at the crappiness), or by posting high pitched screechy music. They are obviously hated, universe over.
Don't believe me? Read this.
Don't believe me? Read this.
Myspace sucks ass. Period. I'm just there because of friends like you. I hate it with a passion and as you are learning, I don't go on to it, except for once a week or when I fucking feel like it. And than I get spammed with dirty pictures and comments from a dragonboy...
I love you. :)
I'm gonna buy myself a new Victoria's Secret bra to make my girls stand at attention.
~hee hee~
TMI, Mina, TMI... ;)
I like MySpace! It's fun! I especially like playing with my page. :D
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