Sunday 23 December 2012

End of the World

So here we are, December 23rd 2012. Two days after the world was supposed to end, yet I still live and you do, too.

The world did not end. Or did it?

I turn on my television and I see a world in flames. Civil wars, polar ice melting, forests destroyed, oceans polluted, people wishing other people dead. Laws, rules and money are more important than people; lives are currency in a desperate attempt to preserve a status quo that has become the death of us all. The world is burning in the fires we create.

I once predicted the end of the Western world, but now I see that it is not just the West that is falling. It is the entire human civilization, and with it, Mother Earth.

I was mistaken - we were mistaken. The end has already come. The world is dead, and we are fighting over its carcass.

The New Age of the Mayas has come too late.

1 comment:

PadmeSkywalker said...

Great, insightful entry you have here, dear Dragon :) I really have not had too much time recently to watch or read much news, so I have been oblivious to some of the more recent world events. However, you do make many great points, and I must say, it truly is sad what has become of our world!

Have a wonderful new year!

*I tried to respond to this the other day while I was at work and had the time to do some catch-up; however, I kept getting an "error on page" message.*