Thursday, 21 June 2007

"Anakin, Chancellor Bert is evil!"

"From my point of view, the world is evil!"

At last, we shall reveal ourselves to the world. At last, we shall have revenge.

World, beware. The galaxy's most feared bounty hunter and terrorist has returned, and he's coming for all of us. Especially bunnies.


Evil incarnate.

Stay inside, lock your doors and windows, sacrifice your firstborn, pray to the gods, and keep the blue pill nearby.

He's coming. Half of the Marsians have already died.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Oh, and check out my cute new pet!


Robin Parker said...

Oh, and check out my cute new pet!

So is your pet house trained to pee and poop in her litter box?


Robin Parker said...

Uhm, that's a mighty big gun yah got there, Dragonboy. :D

Hansgirl3 said...

I like guns. :D