Sunday, 17 June 2007

First Kiss

It started with a hug.
We turned to say good-bye,
Our faces too close to ignore.
The tension grew
As the distance shrank.
My mind raced with anticipation.
What should I do?
Lips closed, or dare open them?
As I first felt her gentle caress
Nothing could be sweeter.
The moment escalated,
Our passions took over.
Excitement consumed us
As embarrassment ensued.
Our teeth clanked;
What seemed so perfect
Now was so awkward.
We pulled away,
Her look was one of confusion.
What I did next
I will never forget.
I remembered the nursery rhyme,
"First is the worst,
Second's the best."
So I leaned back in,
And started all over.
A little experience was all I needed.

by Sean H. on Teen Ink


Hansgirl3 said...

So sweet.... and so true.


Robin Parker said...

Isn't that the truth...I've clinked my teeth on first kisses...But the second and third and fourth after that surpassed my exptectations...LOL

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.