Monday, 24 September 2007

Demon blog

The Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be "unnatural"...

Despite its reputation, the Dark Side (by whatever name) has always been popular amongst both scum and the elite. Modern day views might reject the idea of a supernatural devil, "evil incarnate" seems to persist as a scapegoat for many things.

It is remarkable, for instance, how people who denounce religion and claim to not believe in a god, often continue to believe in a devil of some sort.

Despite the fact that in the Bible there is no Devil as described by most people (horned and with features of a goat or a gargoyle). There is, however, a "great beast" and "the evil one" that comes down from the heavens, and attempts to lure Jesus to evil, respectively. Nowhere does it say anything about leathery wings and menacing horns, yet that is exactly the image most people have of this supposed devil.

I once met a (delusional) man who claimed the devil was after him, in differing appearances. One moment it would look like the man next door, the next it was an attractive lady who offered him drugs. If there is a devil, I'm more willing to believe this guy (despite his apparent delusions) than the traditional view.

Whatever his appearance, it would seem natural for people to need a scapegoat to blame things on. "The devil made me do it", or "she must be straight out of hell". The truth, however, is that there is no devil. The evil is what we bring upon ourselves. We, as mankind, do a great job of it; we don't need a supernatural entity to do that for us.

Evil does not exist.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist.

1 comment:

Hansgirl3 said...

I think evil does exist, it just doesn't necessarily have a basis with the devil.

People can be very evil. There are some people who are just plain bad.

I always pictured the devil as Damien from "The Omen" (original).