Thursday, 4 May 2006


Today is May 4th. Now, to some of you this will be just another day, but here in the Netherlands it's all about remembrance. At 8 PM (local time) everyone is silent for two minutes to remember all casualties, both in our country and abroad, since World War II started. Every person who has ever died in that big war or any other war since, is being remembered and honoured by us. Tomorrow will be a day of celebration, of Liberation, but today is a day for those who gave their life, if not voluntarily, for peace and freedom. It's an impressive moment that makes you realize how fragile the world we live in, is. It's even more impressive to think that many people still do not share the peace, liberty or human rights we have.
It is tempting to elaborate on how I think the Bush administration is an important factor in endangering those same values by forcing the world to share its views, incarcerating supposed criminals without a trial, and sheer arrogance in its dealings with the world. However, I will leave it at just that one sentence, and leave you to form your own opinion.
Tomorrow I will celebrate Liberation Day in Wageningen, the place where the peace was signed by the Allied Forces and the remains of the German army, May 5th 1945. Exactly 61 years ago. Some veterans from WW2 will be present (though their number decreases every year, naturally) and will be honoured, but most of all it's a day to celebrate. Many national artists will perform and everyone is happy. Everyone likes each other, regardless of nationality, culture, skin tone or any other differences. My only question is: Why only on May 5th?

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