Tuesday, 19 December 2006

What the fuck was I talking about?

We're going to play a little game.

Yes, it's free. No, you don't need pen and paper. Just read and think along.

Now. Anyone of you seen Reservoir Dogs?

No, let's not start there.

I'm sure everyone of you has seen some movie or television program with plenty of violence in it. Some of you may avoid it as much as possible, whereas others live by it.

So, I was thinking. What if there was no violence in the world? If we had never even heard of such a thing? No fighting, no killing, no hurting.

Hard to imagine? I bet.

Now try this. Remember, it's completely hypothetical (means it's not real).

Imagine there's something, either hideous or heavenly, or neutral for that matter, that we have never even heard of. It doesn't exist. Yet, if it was, it would have a tremendous influence on our life. Like love or hate, but something else. Nothing we know of.
Something like how people two decades ago, not being able to imagine a thing like the internet, yet now it has such an immense influence on us.

Try to feel like that guy two decades ago who can't grasp the idea of internet.

Can you imagine that? Or does your head hurt? I know I've thought about the possibilities for many times, and always I am fascinated by the idea. Yet my head starts to hurt sometimes. How can you imagine something that nobody ever thought of? Something that never will be?

So... what the fuck was I talking about?

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